Call for Tariff Relief by Ag Groups

A broad mix of U.S. food and ag groups sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai calling for a halt to trade tariffs to ease inflation.

(Commodity Update)

A broad mix of U.S. food and ag groups sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai calling for a halt to trade tariffs to ease inflation. The letter said, “Tariff relief could not come at a more important time.”

The letter stated, “Rural America and small businesses are facing significant challenges due to the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, logistical and supply chain disruptions, record levels of inflation, and the increasing impacts of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Our businesses are faced with surging fuel prices, skyrocketing fertilizer and other input costs, and continued uncertainty in the global market. With so many challenges threatening our livelihood, removal of tariffs on food and agriculture inputs and removal of burdensome retaliatory tariffs would provide immediate relief to America’s food producers. By rolling back 301 and 232 tariffs and eliminating retaliatory tariffs, you can increase market access for U.S. food and agriculture exports and reduce costs for critical machinery, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals and other food and agriculture inputs. These efforts would have an immediate effect and would ease the uncertainty felt by all rural America.”